Kamis, 08 November 2007

20 methods How to receive links to your Blog

by Robert Patterson


Linkbaiting — this term designates reception of natural links to your blog.

Linkbaiting (from the point of view of SEO) — one of the most effective ways of promotion of a site due to fast reception of a plenty of links from the blogs. The term is used a web-masters for the description of methods reciption of links.

Many of the described methods were applied and earlier, and, more often, inadvertently. Now, in connection with rapid development of search optimization, there was a necessity of structurization of existing methods.

In practice

On the Internet already it is a lot of publications on this theme. But, as well as SEO as a whole, Linkbaiting it is ambiguous inherently. Depending on vision of the author and specificity of his activity, the description of the same methods it is strongly separated. Good work was done by Daren Rose who allocated the basic methods Linkbaiting and has described them in blog. On the basis his note « 20 Linkbaiting Techniques » the below-mentioned list also is made.

  1. Tools — give other owners of sites the tool useful, amusing or lifting vanity which they can use in the blog, thus placing the link to your site. An example: blogs rating, social network, blogs directory.

  2. Interrogations — interrogations and tests long time like users. If you can give to users service which will allow them to create interrogations and to place them with yourselves on a site this method can appear rather useful.

  3. Competitions — organize something for people in what they can take part and you will see, that it will seem to some readers pleasant occupation

  4. Be the first — if you the first in your niche it will be much easier to you to win sympathies of users, rather than, if you will be the second, the third … the Good example with « Million Dollar Homepage » — the student has alone carried out the dream, the first having suggested idea. The same who began to use his idea in the further, made much smaller success.

  5. Create sensation — open something new in your niche. Others bloggers will refer to you as on a source.

  6. Declassify — just as open swindlers, you can create a greater sensation around of yours Blog.

  7. Awards — many increase quantity of entering links due to noise in blog area which arises when carrying out of compensations is made insufficiently well. They make it in some stages. First they receive links from those who hopes to be put forward. Then, from put forward who calls to vote for itself. Further from bragging winners and from those who is not enough with results.

  8. Lists— this method has well proved itself. Remember, what would not be a theme of the list, it is not necessary to forget, that first of all the list should be interesting.

  9. Humour — also one of the checked up and really working methods. I, for example, would prefer to place the link to a good joke, rather than on the next list. Though presence of humour at a note, and sometimes even is a little irony, is capable "to hook" on many bloggers.

  10. Make someone known — give people chance to be noticed. This method, more likely, most will suit various blog ratings which increase quantity of links due to accommodation of every possible buttons on Blog. The button for calculation of Blog statistics, on assurance of employees of this company, does not influence position in a rating, but many bloggers have already placed it in the blogs. Also it is possible to give an example one Blog which has created the tool, allowing to estimate cost of the blog on the basis of data Technorati.

  11. Create community — people like to feel the belonging to something, therefore are united in communities. Give to them a place where they can be united, and they will often refer to this place from the blogs.

    But if at social networks during any moment there comes a stage of self-development for Blogs this feature is less characteristic as the created community will consist of constant readers. Therefore it is necessary to maintain constantly interest to blog and to itself.

  12. Design — if you can make a good pattern for any widespread blogging-platform you have an excellent chance to receive set of links as from those who simply will like design, and from those who will install it to itself on blog.

  13. Passion and emotions — well written, at times with passion, emotional text will not leave indifferent your readers. However it is necessary to understand, that besides positive responses can appear and negative.

  14. Create inconsistent discussions — discussions which should not have a precise answer. This reception is often used in scandalous blogs. For example: what it is better — « Opera or Forefox? », « Wordpress or Movable Type? ». It is possible to find any developed community, and then to write a response about them. The answer will not keep itself waiting long .

  15. The attack — an essence of a campaign consists in that as in the previous method, to write any response (in this case negative) about popular blog or blogger with the purpose of reception of return reaction in victim`s blog. If to go too far in this method it is possible to impair a little the reputation strongly.

  16. Shock — show something shocking or disgusting. It can be pictures or video, or simply provocative text.

  17. Researches and statistics — if you possess tools which allow to carry out various researches on popular themes, you can quickly increase quantity of links. Besides various articles about bloggers and everything, that with them is connected, too receive the big response.

  18. Present something — Vivid examples are known, when certain Oprah has given out to each of present in an audience on the car.

  19. Be useful — tell to people how to make something, to improve their life, how to carry out the certain problem, tell, how you have made that, on what earlier nobody was solved. Make it so that it wanted to readers to retell this experience by the friend.

  20. The personal factor — good blog is impregnated by the person of the author. Therefore the reputation and authority concrete blog have the big weight. If you or your product are abrupt, you will be accompanied by all means with success.

About the author:

Article source: http://www.juicyarticles.net/articles/20-methods-How-to-receive-links-to-your-Blog-9

Aricle keywords: blogging, blog, links, community, blog improvement, linkbaiting

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